Vertical phyto-barrel

  • Availability: In Stock
  • 25000 грн.


A phyto-barrel is a mini steam room, a procedure in which lasts only 15 minutes but substitutes a real sauna. In case of using a phyto-barrel, there is no load on your head, heart and lungs, since during the procedure the head is outside the barrel, but the inside of it is filled with hot steam, saturated with herbs. This product occupies a special place in our cooperage row! The phyto-barrel is also called the "Health Barrel". A list of useful properties of phyto-barrel is huge – starting with weight loss and getting rid of cellulite and ending with healing degenerative disc disease and other chronic diseases. In addition, the "Health Barrel":

• Only takes about 1 sq.m. The barrel has the dimensions similar to a small table, so a place for it can be found even in a small premise.

• Is easy to clean and operate. The procedure can be handled by any person after the brief instructions, and its maintenance takes only 15 minutes.

• Can be installed in any room. All the barrel needs is normal humidity, ventilation and a regular socket. You can even do without sewerage.

• Is absolutely safe. The barrel will not leak or adversely affect the walls or ceiling, as the steam scarcely comes out of the barrel.

• Is paid-back in 3-4 months. Most of our customers completely pay back all their investments in less than 4 months.

• In the case of commercial use, it begins to be profitable immediately after the installation. You do not have to seek customers for the new procedure: phyto-barrel perfectly complements massages, body wraps, fitness, etc.

• Does not require a license or permit. A phyto-barrel is a common cosmetic procedure, so you can carry it out anywhere and anytime.

A Phyto-Barrel Procedure

It takes only 15 minutes. You will need an assistant to carry out the procedure.

Before the procedure, it is recommended to drink a glass of liquid: water (still), natural juice or tea.

Preparation for the procedure:

1. Adjust the seat according to your height.

2. Fill the steam generator with herbs

3. Pour water into the steam generator

4. Connect the steam generator to the socket

5. Select the appropriate temperature for the procedure, the recommended temperature is 40-55°C

6. Close the door and lid, and warm up the "Health Barrel" until the selected temperature is reached, (15-20 minutes).


1. Sit inside the barrel and ask the assistant (if you cannot manage yourself) to close all the barrel doors.

2. Tuck the free space between the head and the barrel with a towel so that the steam does not come out.

3. If the temperature is too high, ask the assistant to reduce it using a thermostat on the steam generator.

4. Enjoy the procedure!

The procedure in the phyto-barrel lasts maximum 15 minutes.

After the procedure:

1. Relax and lie down for 10-15 minutes

2. Drink some water or tea

3. Take a warm shower

It is not recommended to take a shower immediately after the procedure, let the useful substances to absorb into the skin for at least 10-15 minutes.

It is also very useful to have a massage to keep muscles toned and secure therapeutic effect.

General recommendations

If you want your phyto-barrel serve you as long as possible, you shall provide some special care and follow a few simple rules:

1. The room in which a phyto-barrel is installed should be dry and have good ventilation so that the barrel had time to dry overnight.

2. The lid of the phyto-barrel is recommended to cover from the inside with water-repellent agents, as it is exposed to deformation in the first place.

3. Do not use the phyto-barrel for more than 4 hours without a break.

4. Use purified water only or a water filter for the steam generator. Chlorine contained in the water leads to blackening of the wood. Dirt or stains can be removed with a brush dipped in warm water with a special detergent solution on the basis of active oxygen.

5. To restore the original appearance of the barrel, it is recommended to lightly grind the inner walls, seat, armrests and walkways every 1.5-2 years.

6. Do not leave the phyto-barrel in the open-ventilated area

7. After every 200 hours of operation, wash the steam generator with scum removing solutions.

In the case of commercial use, it is recommended to treat the phyto-barrel with special lacquers, for example, "Tikkurila "for baths protection" (they can be found in any tool shop) - they ensure excellent protection of the phyto-barrel during its shelf life. According to customers feedback, there aren’t even traces of slippers left after them, not to mention any dirt or sweat.

Most of the problems connected with phyto-barrels arise from the violation of the handling and cleaning rules. In order to avoid drying up, blackening or cracks, do the following:

After each procedure:

1. Remove moisture from the inner surfaces of the phyto-barrel

2. Disinfect the phyto-barrel

After completion of all procedures:

1. Wipe moisture from all surfaces of the phyto-barrel.

2. Remove the wooden walkway from the floor.

3. Ventilate the barrel for 5-10 minutes.

4. Fully close all the doors of the phyto-barrel. You can leave open only a small lid covering the opening for the head.

5. After operation, leave the phyto-barrel to dry indoors.

Do not:

1. Turn on the steam generator when a fault is detected.

2. Turn on the steam generator without grounding.

3. Turn on the steam generator with covers removed.

4. Close the outlets of the steam pipe during the operation.

5. Carry out any work with the energized steam generator.

The "Health Barrel" will undoubtedly return the invested money!

Even with 3 procedures a day the "Health Barrel" is paid off in 2-3 months, and with standard 7 procedures – it is only 4-6 weeks! During such a short period you will completely return all the money invested in its purchase and will consistently receive the revenue. So...

Buying a "Health Barrel" for business you get:

• a pleasant procedure very well sold both separately and in combination with massage, body wraps, fitness, etc.

• an increase of your business profits

• a reliable equipment with a couple of months return and a guaranteed service for 2-3 years

• satisfied and loyal customers, more than half of which will recommend the procedure in the barrel to their friends

• an effective method of relaxation, weight loss, skin improvement and prevention of many diseases

• a replacement of the usual sauna and a pleasant and gentle massage of the body already warmed in the barrel

• a constant stream of customers who already know and love the procedure in the "Health Barrel"

The entire invested money will come back to you in a few months and you will get a revenue in a factor of 20 during the next 2-3 years!